Moro, Oregon (Fire) / 2,000 Meals Over 3 Days

Moro, Oregon (Fire) / 2,000 Meals Over 3 Days

The Substation Fire began on July 17, 2018 and burned approximately 80,000 acres in Oregon. Due to strong winds, the fire grew rapidly and moved approximately 18 miles in a matter of days. After the Oregon Governor declared a state of emergency, Operation BBQ relief...
Eureka, Kansas (Tornado) / 1,505 Meals Over 2 Days

Eureka, Kansas (Tornado) / 1,505 Meals Over 2 Days

On Tuesday evening, a tornado ripped through the small town of Eureka for a second time in less than two years. By Wednesday afternoon, Operation BBQ Relief volunteers were on the ground preparing hot BBQ meals for those affected and the first responders helping in...
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City, Missouri

Operation BBQ Relief hosted a Day of Giving with Farmers Insurance. It was Farmers Insurance’s 90th Anniversary, and they worked to do 90,000 acts of kindness. We served meals in conjunction with the Veterans Community...
Moro, Oregon (Fire) / 2,000 Meals Over 3 Days

Thank You to Yoder Smokers

Thank you to Yoder Smokers for their generous donation of smokers to OBR! Read more about Yoder Smokers at