From the Heart
December 2022
Message from the Co-Founders
As we wrap up 2022, we are thankful for each of our volunteers, supporters, sponsors, and partners! 2022 was a record breaking year with your generous contributions of time, talent, and treasure. Over 1 million meals served in 2022 with our disaster response team.
We are blessed with an incredible team of volunteers and staff who stand committed to serve not only immediately following disasters but also return to spread holiday cheer. We returned to Kentucky and Florida to provide meals through our Day of Giving program. Communities are still rebuilding after the historic flooding and hurricane. We also hosted Day of Giving programs in Illinois, North Carolina, Louisiana, New Jersey, and several other states throughout the country. We continue to witness the powerful impact of sharing the one hot meal that matters.
We are excited for the future of Operation BBQ Relief in 2023. We will have programs at Camp OBR for members of the military, veterans, first responders, and their families. We have begun construction of dry cabins at Camp OBR. If you or your company is interested in being a sponsor, please contact Stan at
As you make your year-end contributions, we encourage you to consider Operation BBQ Relief. Every donation impacts our charitable mission. No donation is too small.
Thank you for your support. On behalf of all of us at Operation BBQ Relief, we wish you a joyous holiday season and many blessings in 2023.
Happy Holidays!
Stan Hays, CEO
Will Cleaver, CPO and Head of Finance

Day of Giving – Chicago, Illinois
Operation BBQ Relief thanks Weber Grills, National Turkey Federation, Martin’s Famous Potato Rolls and Bread, and West Liberty Foods for teaming up to provide 4000 Thanksgiving Dinners to Marillac St. Vincent Family Services in Chicago.
“Thank you for the turkey dinners – it was an incredible gift to the community. Thank you for choosing Marillac – it was amazing to see the work you do. We wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season. Our Marillac family is truly grateful.”
Deanna Hallagan
Marillac St. Vincent Family Services

Day of Giving – Sanibel Island, Florida
Families and communities are still rebuilding following the historic devastation from Hurricane Ian. Operation BBQ Relief teamed up with Carhartt and FISH of Sanibel-Captiva, Inc. to provide Thanksgiving meals for the residents in Sanibel Island!
Thank you Carhartt for helping us share family dinners to so many that have lost everything!
Thank you Weber Grills for providing grills to the community!
Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that shared their time and talents!
The meals and gifts provide hope, friendship, and compassion!

Help share the healing power of BBQ!
Make new friends! Register to volunteer on the Operation BBQ Relief App
or sign-up at
Volunteer Nominations
If you know an Operation BBQ Relief volunteer who has gone above and beyond this year, please recognize their efforts by clicking here to submit a 2022 Award Nomination for them!
Purchase gifts from the Operation BBQ Relief store
to help further our charitable mission!
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Corporate Supporters

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